Welcome to the Golden Zhouls Club!

Jack Zhoul

You are one of the reasons why we love what we do!

We love seeing your faces at the shows, we love hearing your feedbacks when we release new music and we love seeing you share our songs with your friends and families. You are the most important people for us because you essentially carry us and accompany us along our journey through this adventure of music. For that, we appreciate you enourmously!

The thing is, writing, producing, recording and playing the music we all love comes at a pretty high cost. Just to give you an idea, the average Jack Zhoul song you eventually hear on Spotify, AppleMusic or YouTube comes in at around CHF 2'500.- to 3'000.- when all costs are accounted for. That’s almost CHF 1’000.- per minute of music. As we are slowly but surely building toward something big and beautiful, we have decided that we want to open up and share our musical journey with all of you and have founded the
Golden Zhouls Club

The Golden Zhouls Club is an exclusive club of people and organisations that want to share in our journey to the top and into an exciting future with us. The club offers four different levels of support: Gold members, Silver members, Bronze members and the Club of 100. The idea behind this membership-based club is to allow for a symbiotic partnership between us and yourself or your company - we want to offer you something in return for your continued support and grow a strong and large network of collaborators and partnerships that support each other and help each other take the next step on their respective journeys. Of course, should you at any point decide that you no longer want to renew your membership, you can always cancel it. Also, if you decide you want to up or downgrade your membership, that is possible as well! So, if you want to support us and our music, let’s find a way for you and us to both benefit! Let’s check out the packages on offer:
Gold Member
2,000.00 CHF
The ultimate support package, the ticket to the Golden Circle of the Golden Zhouls club! You really believe in Jack's music and brand and want to be an essential part of the band's journey into an amazing and highlight-filled future!

Becoming a Gold Member means that you will get the pleasure of receiving the following:
- 1 signed JZ fan card
- 1 full-access day at the studio with Jack
- 1 signed JZ cap
- 1 JZ jacket
- 2 free tickets for the next 5 JZ concerts
- a personal shout out via the official JZ instagram and JZ newsletter
- a place in the Golden section of the “Golden Zhouls Club” on JZ.com (name or company logo)
- 6 content placements on the JZ instagram (content acceptance pending)
Silver Member
1,000.00 CHF
Your ticket to the Silver Circle of the Golden Zhouls club! You want to throw your support behind Jack and his music - with your support we'll climb the mountain top!

Becoming a Silver Member means that you will get the pleasure of receiving the following:
- 1 signed JZ fan card
- 1 signed JZ cap
- 2 free tickets for the next 3 JZ concerts
- a personal shout out via the official JZ instagram and JZ newsletter
- a place in the Silver section of “Golden Zhouls Club” on JZ.com (name or company logo)
- 3 content placements on the JZ instagram (content acceptance pending)
Bronze Member
500.00 CHF
Your ticket to the Bronze Circle of the Golden Zhouls club! With people like you supporting our journey, there's no way we could fail!

Becoming a Bronze Member means that you will get the pleasure of receiving the following:
- 1 signed JZ fan card
- 1 signed JZ cap
- 2 free tickets for the next JZ concert
- a personal shout out via the official JZ instagram and JZ newsletter
- a place in the Bronze section of “Golden Zhouls Club” on JZ.com (name or company logo)
- 1 content placement on the JZ instagram (content acceptance pending)
Member of the "Club of 100"
100.00 CHF
Your ticket to the Golden Zhouls' "Club of 100"! An exclusive group of smaller-scale supporters who carry the heart and Zhoul of this musical adventure into the future.

Becoming a member of the “Club of 100” means that you will get the pleasure of receiving the following:
- 1 signed JZ fan card
- 1 free ticket for the next JZ concert
- a personal shout out via the official JZ instagram and JZ newsletter
- a place in the “Club of 100” section of “Golden Zhouls Club” on JZ.com (name or company logo)
Individual donation
You want to support Jack & co. but the other packages are a bit too much for you - no worries! You can donate whatever you can or want, we appreciate any kind of support, no matter how large or little. Less
Member information
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